About Crime Reporting

Welcome to San Miguel Security

We believe in sharing information about crimes.  We think that less crime occurs when neighbors watch out for each other and when everyone is aware of criminal activity in the community. Forewarned is forearmed.

We understand that when you are a victim of a crime it is traumatic and that revisiting the event in writing is stressful. But know that the San Miguel community cares, and that taking a few moments to share your experience will help others be more watchful.

We solicit comments on the following topics:

1. First person crime reports (not hearsay)

2. First person accounts of interactions with the Policia Preventiva and/or the Ministerio Publico, including the Policia Judicial.

Our crime reporting is done from our main website San Miguel Security. If you would like to file a report click here to go to the crime reporting form. We will endeavor to respond to serious questions, but keep in mind that we are volunteers with limited time and staff so we may not be able to get back to you immediately. Also remember that although you may have notified us of a crime, you must still report it to the Ministerio Público for follow-up, investigation and municipal record-keeping. Filing a report on this site does not constitute an official report, nor do we forward crime reports on this site to the police or to Ministerio Publico. Law enforcement officials cannot and will not investigate a crme or otherwise take action until you file an official report.

All comments sent to us will be moderated, that is, they will be reviewed before publication and edited or withheld if they are found inappropriate.

We ask for your name, email address and phone number, so that we may contact you should we have questions about the content of your comment or report, but your name and contact information will not appear on our Website nor will it be disclosed to any outside party.

Please treat your fellow commentators and us, your hosts, with respect.

Comments containing vulgar language or that make aggressive, emotional or personal attacks directed at persons or groups will not be posted. We will not post comments that are off topic, that promote services, products or political persons or parties or make unfounded accusations. Any comment that we make in response to a question is our own, made in good faith and accurate to the best of our understanding, but it is for your consideration only and is not to be construed in any way as advice–legal, official or personal. Editorial decisions will be made on our own authority and we reserve the right to amend or change this usage policy at any time.