Home > Break-in, Home > Entry Into House Through Garage Left Unlocked

Entry Into House Through Garage Left Unlocked

Date: August 16 and August 18

Time: 12:30 pm and 10:30 am

Location: A private home

Reported: Yes

Neighborhood: Mexiquito

Crime: Break-in, Home

Police: Yes

Message: Two similar incidents within a few days of each other. First incident: Garage door was left unsecured by error. A young man entered garage, followed behind me into house and stole purse off kitchen counter. Second time, I believe same person waited for me to leave my car and put key in door and stole purse and shopping bag.

Categories: Break-in, Home
  1. Mary
    August 28, 2011 at 5:13 pm

    There are a number of unanswered questions connected with this post. Re the first incident, If the young man was walking behind the resident, how could the resident see that it was a “young man” who had entered the house? And, if the resident did see the young man, how was the theft accomplished? Did he snatch the purse off the counter in front of the resident and then run, or was the resident in a different part of the house when the purse was taken? Re the second incident, did the thief steal the purse and shopping bag out of the car after the resident parked in the garage, or did he get into the house and steal the purse and shopping bag there?

    The MSC was unable to resolve these issues with the poster, but we have posted the report to emphasize the vulnerability that garage doors represent. There have been other incidents in San Miguel of thieves following close behind a car as a resident drives into the garage and thereby gaining access to the house.

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