
Archive for the ‘Break-in, Home’ Category

Break-in: House in La Lejona

Date: December 4, 2011

Time: 9:30 P.M.

Police Response: Not very prompt; the thieves had time to take property

Reported to Public Ministry: No

Neighborhood: La Lejona

Crime: Break in – Home

Police: Yes

Message: I was out of town. I have an alarm system. The thieves broke the frame to front door. The alarm system worked, but since neighbors and police did not respond right away the thieves had time to take a Blackberry that I only use in the US, a GPS and an IPod. By the time I discovered that the Blackberry was gone and reported the theft to AT&T I had a bill of $580.00 US dollars on the phone. I also had multiple expenses to repair the damage the thieves had done to the house.

Categories: Break-in, Home

Intruder Climbs Wall & Falls onto Terrace

Date: November 12

Time: approx. 8:30 p.m.

Reported: No

Neighborhood: Independencia

Crime: Break-in – terrace at house

Police: Yes. They arrived in 12-15 minutes after call

Message: I was watching TV with my mini doxie; we were sitting in a recliner next to a wall of glass with a glass door that was open to the 2nd floor terrace. Suddenly my dog jumped off my lap and ran through the door onto the terrace, barking as if something was wrong.

When he didn’t stop barking, I got up and looked. At first, I saw nothing obvious. But then I realized there was a man’s body laying flat about 2 1/2 feet to the left of the doorway. My first thought was, “dead body on my terrace!”

I turned the outside light on, and then the man (about 18-20 years old) stood up. I immediately shut the terrace door and locked it. The intruder then walked over to the corner, climbed the wall, grinned at me, waved, let himself down on the other side of the wall and disappeared from view.

My house has a very high outside wall. I never could have imagined anyone being able to climb over it. But, on inspection, I saw that a neighbor’s car was parked next to a telephone pole adjacent to my house and I imagine this young man was able to climb onto the car, shimmy up the telephone pole and over the lowest part of the wall. From there he would have been able to climb up onto the 2nd story terrace. It seems obvious that he was startled and fell when my dog began to bark. I think he lay still, hoping I wouldn’t see him.

My doxie was a hero that night.

Categories: Break-in, Home

Break-in and Robbery at Occupied House

Date: Sept 6, 2010

Time: 9:15 pm

Location: Incident lasted 15 minutes

Reported: On my TO DO list

Neighborhood: San Antonio

Crime: Break-in and Robbery at Occupied House

Police: Yes

On Tuesday, 6 September,  at 9:00 PM, while my family was having dinner downstairs, a man in his late 20s who appeared to be Mexican, came into my bedroom via the house next door. He climbed onto the tiled roof over the atrium, climbed around the outside window, around the corner of the house and came in through an open second story window by walking on the ledge.

He grabbed my MacBook Pro and Panasonic Lumix camera off a desk.

We heard a lot of breakage, ran into the atrium and looked around. We heard more noise upstairs, so we ran up and saw him shimming on the ledge outside the window, then running across the tiles, to the next door house and disappearing to the far right.

A friend was visiting us at the time, so we took off in our friend’s car to look for the intruder. We came across a police truck and they came back to the house with us. They, looked around and told us to go to the Ministrio Publico to file a report.

I posted a 10,000 peso reward, no questions asked on my Facebook page and the Civil List.                                                                    ——-

To update the above report, the following morning, on 7 September at 10:30 AM, I signed in at the Ministerio Publico’s (MP) Bilingual Agency and made an official crime report. I was all finished and back home by 1:00 PM.

There is a brand new computerized system for intake of a victim’s crime information. No need for two copies of everything anymore. I did bring my FM3, USA passport, electrical bill and receipt for the purchase of the MacBook Pro. I did not have the receipt for the camera and that was fine, as they believed my statement.

During the entire process, I was accompanied by Licda. Adriana Ramírez, the bilingual Agent (lawyer) of the Public Ministry in charge of the case. Everyone was courteous, polite and professional.

That same evening, at 7:30 PM. a bilingual investigator from the MP came to the house to examine the crime scene. He, also, was very professional, courteous, thorough and polite. He spent one hour and forty-five minutes at the house. The MP will keep me advised of developments re the investigation.

Overall, I give the MP an A for their work today.

Categories: Break-in, Home

Entry Into House Through Garage Left Unlocked

August 28, 2011 1 comment

Date: August 16 and August 18

Time: 12:30 pm and 10:30 am

Location: A private home

Reported: Yes

Neighborhood: Mexiquito

Crime: Break-in, Home

Police: Yes

Message: Two similar incidents within a few days of each other. First incident: Garage door was left unsecured by error. A young man entered garage, followed behind me into house and stole purse off kitchen counter. Second time, I believe same person waited for me to leave my car and put key in door and stole purse and shopping bag.

Categories: Break-in, Home

Attempted House Break-in

Date: June 28, 2011 & July 5, 2011

Time: 7 a.m.


Reported: No

Neighborhood: Centro

Crime: No

Police: No

Message: On 28 June 2011, between 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. someone inserted a metal pin in my door lock and, when I left for the Tiangus, I closed my door and was unable to double lock it or open it. I felt my house was protected with my dog in my garage entrance, so I continued to the Tiangus and, at 9:30 am, I went to a locksmith and arranged for one of their employees to meet me at my house. The locksmith came and with tools, extracted a slender piece of metal 1 1/2 cm long and confirmed someone had inserted it. That evening, when I was taking my dogs, out I tested the lock before closing my door; it had happened again.

July 5 – Just this evening, I went out at 7:30 pm to celebrate a friend’s birthday. I returned home at 10:30 pm to find a piece of wire (paper clip type) in my key hole which I could see. I was able to extract it with my fingers.  I am now carrying a little tool with me in case this happens yet again.

Categories: Break-in, Home

House Break-in Attempt

Date: June 12, 2011

Time: 3:30 – 4:00 PM

Location: Centro

Reported: No

Neighborhood: Centro

Crime: Yes

Police: Yes

Message: Someone rang my doorbell twice with one long ring and then a second long ring, evidently checking to see if I was home. I do not answer the door unless I know someone is expected. This young man climbed over a neighborhood roof  (according to the police) and down a circular staircase into my small garden courtyard. He surely thought no one was home.  I heard a window break in my kitchen off the garden courtyard. I ran into the kitchen and he had his arm in the broken window attempting to unlock the metal door – fortunately it had a padlock. I shouted at him face to face and said I was going to call the police. He said, ” I am going back upstairs,” in broken English. He was approx late 20’s early 30’s a nice looking young man with no hair on his face. Dressed in a grey sweat suit with a hood on the shirt. The policed were prompt and took a report. [MSC Comment: The report the police took would have been for their administrative purposes. Had the resident wanted the attempted break-investigated, a report to the Ministerio Público would have been necessary.]

Categories: Break-in, Home

Intruder in Walled Garden

Date: 22/5/2011

Time: 1:00 AM

Location: 2 minutes

Reported: No

Neighborhood: Valle del Maiz

Crime: No

Police: Yes

Message: An intruder came over my garden wall and my neighbor alerted me. My dog was there too in full protection mode. I called 066 and police came nearly immediately.

Categories: Break-in, Home

26 Feb 2011: Break-in, San Antonio

February 28, 2011 Comments off

Date: Fe. 26 2011

Time: 13:15

Location: Near corner of Refugio and Orizaba

Reported to MP: No

Neighborhood: San Antonio

Crime: Break-in and Robbery

Message: Perpetrator/s gained entrance through open window on second floor but were frightened by alarm and apparently departed quickly the way they came in. One iPod stolen. Police arrived on the scene within minutes and were careful and professional in their dealings with me and their search for the perpetrator/s.